function bran23_portfolio_source($atts, $content = null) { $settings = shortcode_atts(array( 'max' => -1, 'cols' => 4, 'portfolio_id' => -1, 'more_link' => false, 'empty' => false ), $atts); $query_settings = array( 'post_type' => 'portfolio', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => ($settings["portfolio_id"] != -1) ? 3 : $settings["max"], 'post__not_in' => array($settings["portfolio_id"]), 'meta_key' => '_bran23_hide_project', 'meta_compare' => '!=', 'meta_value' => '1', ); if (!($settings["portfolio_id"] === -1 || $settings["empty"])){ $terms = get_the_terms($settings["portfolio_id"], 'portfolio_category'); if (empty($terms)) $terms = array(); $query_settings = array_merge($query_settings, array( 'orderby' => 'rand', 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'portfolio_category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => wp_list_pluck($terms, 'slug') ) ) ) ); } $portfolio_loop = new WP_Query($query_settings); $output = ""; if (is_front_page()) $output = '
į kitą lygį
Išorinis rinkodaros vadovas – tai patyręs specialistas, sukuriantis ir nuosekliai įgyvendinantis jūsų rinkodaros strategiją.
Jūsų point of contact – agentūros konsultantas, dirbantis kartu su pilna komanda: strategijos, turinio, dizaino, digital profesionalais.
Nebūdama organizacijos dalimi, išorinė rinkodaros komanda yra kur kas efektyvesnė.
Working with brandù was seamless and easy. The level of professionalism and quality of work achieved was truly amazing and gave our website a new face. We are truly grateful for their service and level to which they went to ensure we had a smooth roll out and transition. The main asset to brandù is their attention to detail.
Buvo smagu dirbti su jaunu, profesionaliu, kūrybingu ir atsakingu kolektyvu. Darbai atlikti laiku, atsiųstos visos reikalingos instrukcijos puslapio valdymui, o jei reikia papildomos konsultacijos, visada patars.
Brandù did a great job creating the perfect logo for our brand. The team was professional at both communicating as well as executing our ideas at a high level. We used brandù again to build our website and thus we are 100% confident in their ability to deliver high quality design that speaks exactly to what we are envisioning. I believe that responsiveness, creativity and responsibility are some of the key assets brandù’s team possess.